Wordpress Plugin

How to Increase Website Speed in Wordpress
How to Increase Website Speed in WordPress
How to Increase Website Speed in WordPress 680 257 Jesandy
Many of our users run WordPress either as a CMS or blog platform. With a lot of great plugins available, it’s easy to create a full-featured website with a lot of neat functionality. These plugins however, can insert additional CSS and JavaScript files into your header which can hurt your site’s performance read more
How to Customize Calendar-Full [Plugin] Events Manager
How to Customize Calendar-Full [Plugin] Events Manager 459 225 Jesandy

Plugin: Events Manager Theme: Suffusion, WordPress Objectives: Remove the header “Months” and paginations Customize day-names

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How to Customize Template [Plugin] Event Manager on Suffusion Theme
How to Customize Template [Plugin] Event Manager on Suffusion Theme 438 248 Jesandy

If you are using [Plugin] Event Manager, when it comes to modify the template, it might be tricky especially if you’re using Suffusion theme, based on the [Plugin] Events Manager (EM) documentation it says:

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