Product Strategy

Brand Story Jesus – Part I
Brand Story Jesus – Part I 407 450 Jesandy

“Mentioned one brand in this world are even closed enough to Jesus’ Brand, which can stand for more then thousand years, able to maintain most of the entire population and proven in fulfilling their customer’s deepest needs”

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Product Life Cycle: The Key Fact
Product Life Cycle: The Key Fact 454 340 Jesandy

I’ve seen most of the time, people tend to skip the idea that Product Life Cycle (PLC) is one of basic tools if you working in brand and marketing environment. And here’s the key facts and reasons why PLC will be great help for enhancing your product performance

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Marketing Cannibalization Strategies – Facts and How to Handle
Marketing Cannibalization Strategies – Facts and How to Handle 550 440 Jesandy

It is important to market leader uses cannibalization as a defense, just as burning sections of a building creates firebreaks to stop a building fire

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