If Metatags not working on frontpage.tpl
If Metatags not working on frontpage.tpl https://jesandy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/modules-meta-tags-not-working.jpg 500 334 Jesandy https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8c9037a9da34ef445aae8a9595367081?s=96&d=mm&r=gProblems: Meta Tags is working on other page but not showing on the front page especially on page–front.tpl.php or overidden page tpl. Not sure what it caused but it’s probably the mata tags failed to render the content, and usually because the installation of meta tags module came last
How to solve:
- Disable the module
- Uninstall the module
- delete it (from cpanel)
- re-install the module
- activate
If you dont want to or the uninstall process not working:
- go to control panel
- go to folder public_html/sites/all/themes/savior/tpl
- open your page–front.tpl.php (or any overidden tpl)
- add this code at the header and save:
< ?php render($page['content']['metatags']); ?>
Well I hope it’s work
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