An Expiry Date
An Expiry Date 430 280 Jesandy tend to forget our life in this world has an expired date. No matter rich or poor, smart or not, high or low career, everything will finish at one final line. Like it or not, ready or not everyone has to be ready to meet their Creator.
Funny things not everybody love this idea, the fact that our age has a limit in terms of human are deserved being mortal. We are able doing a lot of things but not everything we might doing it, and one thing we are unable accomplished deciding how long we will live.
People who did not face this idea most of the acted like he will live forever. They didn’t think that God will ask all theirs responsibilities when they died. The think they unable to face the reality they will died and act out of control. Have you ever think on our final journey, when God said “What have you done in your life?
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