7 Modules You Must Installed on Your Drupal 7
7 Modules You Must Installed on Your Drupal 7 https://jesandy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Drupal-Adventurer-Jesandy.jpg 640 400 Jesandy https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/8c9037a9da34ef445aae8a9595367081?s=96&d=mm&r=gWhile working with Drupal 7 for the first time either its clients or personal sites sometimes it’s a little bit confusing which modules to install, not like other CMS, drupal very likely need some basic modules to begin with.
Maybe it’s quite annoying but if you love everything come with your own desired, you’ll understand why, so herewith 7 basic Modules – well in my opinion – you will need it
Best Module to create custom looks and other features, not only on the frontpage or any other pages but also blocks you desired. You might able to set the permission for page view, or choose any article you want to display, it can set the admin panel view also for whatever you like
Requirement: Chaos Tool Suite
#2 Pathauto
Used to generate URL/path aliases automatically for various kinds of content (taxonomy terms, nodes, users) without requiring the user to manually specify the path alias. After enable clean URL on setting menu, this module allow you to create URL based on your title.
Requirement: Token
#3 Meta Tag
Alternative: Meta Tags Quick
For me, this modules are the best for generating Meta Tags on drupal, used to maximize SEO for your site. The difference on meta tags quick is created from field node, and you can set automatically, and the Meta Tags created from every nodes.
Requirements: Token, Chaos Tool Suite
#4 jQuery Plugin and jQuery Update
If you like to create fancy page or animated features with jquery, these two plugins are a must. Like the developer said the goal of this project is to reduce the overhead of developers and site maintainers in keeping their jQuery plugins up-to-date and compatible.
#5 Token
Must have token, besides most drupal modules out there using this as a requirement to operate. The Token module will provide a central API for modules to use these tokens, and expose their own token values.
#6 Variable
Same like Token this, most of modules need this. Variable module provides a registry for meta-data about Drupal variables and some extended Variable API and administration interface.
#7 Entity
If you love customization, you gonna need this, it will create custom view, profile, articles, etc. This module extends the entity API of Drupal core in order to provide a unified way to deal with entities and their properties. Additionally, it provides an entity CRUD controller, which helps simplifying the creation of new entity types.
Feature Image grab from Source
I’m out of league here. Too much brain power on diyaspl!