Swap your Buddypress admin bar to WP admin bar

Swap your Buddypress admin bar to WP admin bar 536 304 Jesandy

Through FTP and open the file: wp-config.php
Add this code anywhere before the line: /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

define( ‘BP_USE_WP_ADMIN_BAR’, true );

see the image below:
swap bp admin to wp admin bar define bp use wp admin bar
After that go to theme folder (/wp-content/themes/yourtheme) and open: functions.php
Or since suffusion – buddypress used child theme, you have to create functions.php new file on your child theme folder (e.g: son-suffusion – /wp-content/themes/son-suffusion)
see the image below:
Create function.php file on your suffusion theme

After you found functions.php file, open and insert this code:

function remove_bp_adminbar(){
     remove_action( 'wp_footer', 'bp_core_admin_bar', 8 );
     remove_action( 'admin_footer', 'bp_core_admin_bar');

Many tips i found only modify the wp-config.php file, well it’s not working on my site, so i found this additional tips; edit the funtions.php, and it does swap the bp admin to wp admin bar, hope it will works on you too..


"Jesus Believer, Founder of BEBRIGHT, CEO of SEOLangit.com, Digital Marketers, Brand Marketing Consultant, Game Reviewer, @zadewagaming contributors, Traveler, Movie Freaks, Pizza Lovers, SEO Specialist, Webmaster and Drupal Enthusiast"

All stories by: Jesandy

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