Change and Customize the Default “Search” Text

Change and Customize the Default “Search” Text 512 512 Jesandy

Objectives:  Change or customize the default “Search” text on the Suffusion’s search form widget

Suffusion Search Text

into >>


Step by Step:

1. Go to your FTP and find the file: searchform.php on your Suffusion Theme Folder: public_html/wp-content/theme/suffusion/. If you are not using Child Theme you might skip Step 2 and 3, but if you use Child Theme (well you better use, you won’t be loosing some work during Suffusion upgrade) you can go to the next step

2. Move the file: searchfform.php to your Child Theme root


3. And Open your searchform.php

4. Edit all the words Search with whatever you desired to change, in my example above i change ‘Search’ into ‘Enter Keyword(s)’


"Jesus Believer, Founder of BEBRIGHT, CEO of, Digital Marketers, Brand Marketing Consultant, Game Reviewer, @zadewagaming contributors, Traveler, Movie Freaks, Pizza Lovers, SEO Specialist, Webmaster and Drupal Enthusiast"

All stories by: Jesandy

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