Fix PHP register globals – Drupal 7

Fix PHP register globals – Drupal 7 409 184 Jesandy

Problem: register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled. Your site may not be secure when register_globals is enabled

How to solve or fix PHP register globals:

1. Go to your Cpanel > should be (default)

2. on your public_html create file name php.ini

Create file called php.ini

Create file called php.ini

3. And insert this code (by editing the file (step #2):

register_globals = false



"Jesus Believer, Founder of BEBRIGHT, CEO of, Digital Marketers, Brand Marketing Consultant, Game Reviewer, @zadewagaming contributors, Traveler, Movie Freaks, Pizza Lovers, SEO Specialist, Webmaster and Drupal Enthusiast"

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