Step by Step How To Create Tabs on Your Facebook Fan Page

Step by Step How To Create Tabs on Your Facebook Fan Page 384 374 Jesandy

Before continue please make sure you must have the url site (https), this link will used for connecting to your facebook fanpage

#1 Login on your facebook, and go to

#2 Select “Create New App”


#3 Create your App Name, App Namespace, and category/sub-category. App Name is the name you desired will appears later, and App Namespace is like url name. Select “Continue”Create-New-App-Facebook-jesandy-krisano

#4 It will bring you to the basic App Information. Enter your App Domain and select Sandbox enable first at the moment, and SaveBasic-Info-App-Facebook-jesandy-krisano

#5 After you save, look at the bottom of the screen and select Page Tab. Fill the field as  needed. Upload image, make sure the image size will be 111 px x 74 px


#6 To set up on your facebook Tabe follow this link by change with your name required

your APP ID is from your Facebook Apps Id and YOUR URL taken from your URL to show up on your FB page


"Jesus Believer, Founder of BEBRIGHT, CEO of, Digital Marketers, Brand Marketing Consultant, Game Reviewer, @zadewagaming contributors, Traveler, Movie Freaks, Pizza Lovers, SEO Specialist, Webmaster and Drupal Enthusiast"

All stories by: Jesandy

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